
The first coat of paint! I used Behr exterior latex which may be a mistake. This boat is just going to be trailer sailed, so we’ll see how it stands up. I may be scraping all the paint off and redoing it later.

Here she is after the fifth coat.

I thought a plain white boat might be a little drab, so I decided to paint on a green sheer stripe. I’ve read sheer stripes should have a bit of a belly in the middle, otherwise they can look too skinny. I rigged up a batten so my stripe will be 4″ at the front and back, and 6″ in the middle.

Then I traced along the batten and stuck on a line of painters tape.

Next I painted on some Equestrian Green and removed the tape. It came out really nice and I think it should help the looks.

Before flipping the hull, I crawled under and put five coats of paint on the inside. Much easier getting under the side decks now than to wait once it’s flipped. I’ll admit, I was anxious to get it flipped and out of the garage to see what it looked like.

With the inside painted, I flipped it over and got it on my trailer. This is the first time I’ve been able to stand back and really look at the shear. I think it looks great!

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