A while back I decided to motor as far up the Piankatank river as I could go. It was an absolutely beautiful day and I’ll definitely be back up there to explore further.
A while back I decided to motor as far up the Piankatank river as I could go. It was an absolutely beautiful day and I’ll definitely be back up there to explore further.
we were there at the piankatank just about a week after you on @sailingvesselsender … she is selling now and a Longsteps is high on my list of next boats.. did you develop the 3d model, have you started building?
Oh cool! The Piankatank is a really beautiful river. As for Long Steps, I’ve got all the bulkheads modeled and the planks drawn. The plywood came in early January and I’ve got a few bulkheads put together. I’m working on it during my lunch break and hope to have her launched next spring. I’ve got enough pictures I’ll start updating this blog as I go!